Two-thirds of third-level students to apply for grants

Students advised to beat deadline of Saturday August 1st for applications

Susi (Student Universal Support Ireland) has received 85,000 grant applications and is expecting to receive 110,000 before the deadline on Saturday.

Almost two-thirds of all third level students are expected to apply for a student grant this year, figures indicate with the August 1st deadline for applications approaching.

Susi (Student Universal Support Ireland), is urging students who have yet to submit their applications for student grant funding for the 2015/2016 academic year to do so now.

It has currently received 85,000 applications and is expecting to receive 110,000 before the deadline on Saturday.

Last year 105,000 students - or 63 per cent of the third level student population - applied for a grant, with 75,000 receiving awards.


Graham Doyle, Susi's head of communications and customer service, said it was important for students to beat the August 1st deadline to ensure their applications received priority.

“After we receive online applications we write to students requesting supporting documentation. It is imperative that students get this requested documentation back to us within the specified timeframe otherwise there will be a delay in the processing of their applications,” he added.

Information about the eligibility criteria, including an online "grant eligibility reckoner" can be found on

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column