Dublin City Council seeks views of public on dealing with litter problems

Views wanted for new litter management plan which will be in force from 2016 to 2018

Members of the public, residents’ associations and business representative groups have until March 31st to make their views known on the main litter problems, such as illegal dumping, dog fouling, abuse of litter bins, graffiti and illegal posters. Photograph: Alan Betson

People in Dublin have been asked for their views on dealing with litter problems in the city.

The city council is seeking submissions on a new litter management plan which will be in force from 2016 to 2018.

Members of the public, residents’ associations and business representative groups have until March 31st to make their views known on the main litter problems, such as illegal dumping, dog fouling, abuse of litter bins, graffiti and illegal posters.

The draft plan sets out the council’s priorities for litter and street cleaning services for the coming years. The existing plan can be viewed online at: iti.ms/1Mwqhx9.


Submissions can be made by email at littermanagementplan@dublincity.ie or in writing to: Executive Manager, Dublin City Council, Waste Management Services, Environment and Transportation Department, 68/70 Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times