Fine Gael claims to be winning floating voters

Fine Gael leader Mr Michael Noonan today defied recent opinion polls in The Irish Times and Irish Independent saying that the…

Fine Gael leader Mr Michael Noonan today defied recent opinion polls in The Irish Timesand Irish Independentsaying that the General Election outcome was still

"wide open".

Speaking in Dublin, Mr Noonan claimed his party was winning floating voters who had lost faith in Fianna Fáil due to "arrogant" campaigning.

"I think Fianna Fáil have a better propaganda machine, but on the ground where it counts, where we are discussing the issues which are resonant to the people, the Fine Gael messages are getting through," he said.


Mr Noonan also said that his party’s canvassers have been received very well on doorsteps and that the Fine Gael vote is standing solid. "The movement is from Fianna Fáil to other parties and to the ‘don't knows'.

"The floating voters are coming in our direction and I believe we will have a very good result come polling day. As far as I am concerned, and as far as our party is concerned, this election is wide open," he said.

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins a contributor to The Irish Times based in Sydney