Fine Gael refuse to co-operate with Nice forum

Fine Gael announced this evening that it will not co-operate a planned forum on Europe.

Fine Gael announced this evening that it will not co-operate a planned forum on Europe.

The Government are due to set up the National Forum on Europe, as a response to the Nice Treaty Referendum result.

However, Fine Gael leader Michael Noonan has written to the Taoiseach sayingthat the Government's proposals amount to "a three year talking shop which would concentrate on debating the issues without attempting to reach any agreement".

In response to this, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, tonight said that: "It is disappointing that Mr Noonan has chosen to go public on the matter, on the basis of what appears to be a misunderstanding of certain elements of the Government’s proposals.


"However, we hope that further consultation among the parties can achieve agreement on the Forum structure and terms of reference, and that the Forum can play a valuable role in stimulating public debate, at a time when there is discussion throughout the EU on the future of Europe."

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins a contributor to The Irish Times based in Sydney