Gardai investigate series of rapes in Athlone

GARDAI in Athlone have begun a major investigation into a series of rapes in the town, including two in the past week which may…

GARDAI in Athlone have begun a major investigation into a series of rapes in the town, including two in the past week which may have been committed by the same man.

Three women have been raped in Athlone in the past three weeks. The latest victim is a 16 year old girl who was attacked on Friday night as she walked home by the Shannon from a bowling alley.

She said her assailant was a man in his mid 20s but she was unable to describe his appearance. A passing motorist who came to her assistance informed gardai of the attack.

Local gardai were anxious last night to discount rumours that a serial rapist was operating in the town but admitted this possibility "could not be 100 per cent ruled out".


Concern has been raised by the similarities between Friday's attack, which took place near the railway bridge on Grace Road, and another assault which occurred nearby, at a similar time, the previous Monday.

On this occasion, a 19 year old woman was raped. Her attacker was said to be between 5 feet 10 inches and 6 feet tall with short, light brown hair. He wore jeans and a light coloured shirt.

The woman believed she saw the man a short time earlier at a bank nearby.

A third woman, also aged 19, was raped on March 13th in a flat in the town. But this incident is thought to be unconnected to the other rapes.

Gardai last night appealed to the public for assistance with their investigations and renewed their appeal for witnesses to come forward.

A spokesman in the station at Athlone said he believed the descriptions given for the different attackers indicated the rapes were not connected. However, this possibility was still being examined.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.