Greek monk killed by Palestinian gunfire - army

A Greek Orthodox monk was killed by Palestinian gunfire tonight in the West Bank near an Israeli army road-block on the route…

A Greek Orthodox monk was killed by Palestinian gunfire tonight in the West Bank near an Israeli army road-block on the route leading from occupied east Jerusalem to the Jewish settlement of Maale Adumim, an army spokesman said.

Initially, Israeli public radio had said only an Israeli was killed, without identifying the victim.

The man, whose name was not immediately available but who was an Israeli national, was driving his car when the firing came from another car on the road. The other car fled after the shooting.

Military radio said the man belonged to a monastery at Wadi Kelt, near the West Bank town of Jericho.


The monk's death brings to 608 the number of people who have died in the more than eight months since the Palestinian intifada, or uprising, broke out. They comprise 480 Palestinians, 110 Israelis, 13 Arab Israelis and five Europeans.