Medicinal cannabis review ordered by Minister for Health

Harris says initiative not a discussion about decriminalising drug ‘in any way, shape or form’

Minister for Health Simon Harris has ordered a review of Ireland’s policy on medicinal cannabis. Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA Wire.

Minister for Health Simon Harris has ordered a review of Ireland's policy on medicinal cannabis.

Mr Harris said the review was not a discussion about decriminalising cannabis “in any way, shape or form”.

“It is about reviewing our current policy and seeking to inform ourselves of the latest medical and scientific evidence on the potential medical benefits of cannabis for some people with certain medical conditions,” he said.

As part of the review, Mr Harris has asked the Health Products Regulatory Authority to provide him with expert scientific advice.


Cannabis for medical purposes is available in a number of countries, including the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Canada, Australia, Malta, Croatia and some US states.

In the countries where it is available, it is available on prescription from doctors and supplied in a standardised form through pharmacists.


Last July, People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny introduced the Cannabis for Medicinal Use Regulation Bill in the Dáil.

The Minister’s announcement follows calls by a Co Cork mother for the Government to support Mr Kenny’s Bill.

Vera Twomey says her six-year-old daughter Ava Barry, who has a catastrophic form of epilepsy, is now almost seizure-free after taking two doses of cannabis oil a day.

Ava suffers from Dravet syndrome and needed around-the-clock care before she started on cannabidiol oil earlier this month.

Mr Harris met Ms Twomey in June and says he plans to meet her again in the coming days.

“I know that many patients believe cannabis should be a treatment option for their medical condition.

“However, cannabis is not currently an authorised medicine and has not gone through the normal regulatory procedures for medicines which are designed to protect patients and ensure treatments are supported by good evidence of their effectiveness”

The Oireachtas health committee is due to discuss the issue shortly.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.