Number of retirees re-hired by HSE 'unacceptably high'

THE CHAIRMAN of the HSE West forum has described the number of retirees that the Health Service Executive (HSE) has re-hired …

THE CHAIRMAN of the HSE West forum has described the number of retirees that the Health Service Executive (HSE) has re-hired on a temporary basis as “unacceptably high”.

Cllr Pádraig Conneely (FG) was yesterday responding to new figures from the HSE West that it has re-hired 126 retirees on a temporary basis from Co Donegal to Limerick and north Tipperary.

Figures released by the HSE show that more than half of the numbers rehired are nurses accounting for 71 of the 126 total. The figures show that 36 nurses in the Sligo/Leitrim/west Cavan area have been re-hired.

The HSE figures also show that 17 consultants have been re-hired including an anaesthetist; a child psychiatrist; two physicians; a general surgeon; and a pathologist in the Galway area.


Cllr Conneely said: “I find the figures astounding, especially when you have so many student nurses having to emigrate to get work abroad.”

He added: “I believe that the HSE has gone for the easy option in re-employing retirees – even if it is on a temporary basis. My view is that once a person has retired, they should be gone.”

Earlier this year, 1,222 opted to retire from the HSE West area and the posts temporarily filled by the 126 retirees, pending the permanent filling of those posts, represent 32.5 whole-time equivalents.

In a statement, the HSE said last night: “In a small number of cases involving critical service posts where the post holder has reached compulsory retirement age, eg consultant medical staff, individuals have been re-hired to fill the same post pending filling through the normal recruitment process. If the position is backfilled temporarily by the retiree, the pension abatement rules are applied.

“These staff members are paid in line with revenue commissioner requirements/regulations. Retired staff who are re-hired are paid through payroll and earnings are subject to deduction of PAYE, PRSI and income levy similar to other employees,” the statement added. “The pensions abatement regulations apply to the extent that the re-hired pensioner may not earn more, between pension and salary combined, than if he/she had continued to work in their former post.”

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times