Restricted visiting hours at Tallaght Hospital this weekend

‘A number of patients being treated for influenza’, says hospital

There will be restricted visiting hours in operation at Tallaght Hospital this weekend due to an outbreak of influenza at the facility.

In a short statement on Friday night, the hospital said the restrictions were being enforced “in the interest of our patients and visitors for the weekend of Saturday February 28th and Sunday March 1st”.

“The hospital is requesting the public’s co-operation in restricting visits to the hospital, with the exception of visitors to critically ill patients and parents of children in the National Children’s Hospital,” said the statement.

“The restrictions are being introduced due to a number of patients being treated for influenza. The hospital will review these restrictions on Monday.”


Emergency services will continue to operate as normal, but the public are advised to contact their GP in the first instance. The hospital has informed all local GPs of the changes.

Tallaght Hospital also said it is in regular contact with the HSE on the matter and will provide updates on the hospital’s website.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter