Children need to eat less and move more, Irish medics warn

Groups launch campaign to tackle obesity epidemic

Research shows approximately one in four primary school children are overweight or obese, with 6 per cent of three-year-olds classed as being obese. Photograph: Rui Vieira/PA Wire

Children need to eat less and move more to beat the obesity epidemic sweeping Ireland, medics have warned.

Parents have been called on to make practical changes to everyday lifestyle habits like giving youngsters smaller portion sizes and fewer treats and fizzy drinks.

Safefood said less time in front of the television, 60 minutes a day physical activity and getting a good night’s sleep will also make Ireland’s children more healthy in the future.

Research shows approximately one in four primary school children are overweight or obese, with 6 per cent of three-year-olds classed as being obese.


Lynn Ni Bhaoigheallain, chair of the safefood advisory board, said: "We all want children to have a bright future and we get them into all sorts of healthy habits, like brushing their teeth or crossing the road safely.

“This campaign is about supporting parents in making small changes in their everyday family lives.”

The cross-Border campaign to help parents take on childhood obesity features television, radio, poster and point of sale advertising and includes a free booklet.

Launched by safefood — in partnership with the Health Service Executive and Healthy Ireland Framework, and the Fitter Futures for All Implementation Plan in Northern Ireland — it also reminds parents about the negative health impacts of excess weight in childhood and how this can impact on a child's quality of life.

Consultant paediatrician Dr Sinead Murphy also warned obese children face serious illnesses in adulthood. "With a quarter of children overweight or obese, we need to tackle the issue of childhood obesity head on or our next generation will be beset with significant health problems later in life," said Dr Murphy, Clinical Lead for the W82GO Healthy Lifestyles programme at Temple Street Children's Hospital in Dublin.

“Evidence shows that once obesity is established, it is both difficult to reverse and can track into adulthood. “Sadly, children who are overweight are at serious risk of becoming adults who are obese. “This increases the risk manifold of developing serious illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancers and shortened life-expectancy.”

Getting parents to replace fizzy drinks, juice drinks and cordials with water, and being realistic about foods that ‘should be’ treat foods, are key targets in the campaign.

Minister for Health Dr James Reilly added: "Obesity presents a real clinical, social and financial challenge which will have a detrimental legacy lasting decades and which will undoubtedly lead Ireland to an unhealthy and extremely costly, if not unaffordable, future if action is not taken now."

“I want to encourage everybody to help create generations of healthy children who can enjoy their lives to the full and reach their full potential as they develop into adults by making healthier food choices, by being more active and taking the first steps towards reducing overweight and obesity.”