Tributes paid to former Senator and Tralee councillor John Blennerhassett

83-year-old was a member of Seanad Éireann from 1973 to 1982

Tributes have been paid to the former Kerry Fine Gael Senator and former Tralee councillor John Blennerhassett who died on Sunday.

Tributes have been paid to the former Kerry Fine Gael Senator and former Tralee councillor John Blennerhassett who died on Sunday.

He was 83.

Mr Blennerhassett was a member of Seanad Eireann from 1973 to 1982 and when he was also a member of Kerry County Council and Tralee town council. He ran also as a general election candidate for Fine Gael in Kerry North.

He lost his Tralee town council seat by just two votes in 1994 but ran as an independent in 1999 and won it back serving on the council until 2004.


Seamus Cosaí Fitzgerald, Fine Gael mayor of Kerry yesterday said:

“As an elected representative, whether in Seanad Éireann, Kerry County Council or Tralee Town Council, and as a trade union official, John put in many years of service on behalf of the people of Tralee and Kerry.”

“John was long seen as someone who championed the cause of those in society who less fortunate than others, and he was greatly respected by all his colleagues, regardless of party affiliation,” Cllr Fitzgerald said.

Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for the Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, extended his sympathy to his family and Mr Blennerhassett’s many friends.

Mr Deenihan said he had been “a tireless” promoter of Tralee and North Kerry.

“His contribution to public life will long be remembered. At this difficult time, I would like to convey my deepest sympathy to his wife Veda, his children Dawn, Grace, Norma, Honor and Ivan, his brothers Arthur and Harold, and his many family and friends both in Kerry and farther afield. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.”

Mr Blennerhassett is survived by his wife Veda, five children and seven grand children and his brothers Arthur and Harold.

He removal will take place at 7pm this evening to St John’s Church, Ashe Street, Tralee.

His funeral service will take place at St John’s Church tomorrow at 2.30pm.