Legal teams agree in girl's case

Legal representatives of the Eastern Health Board and the 13-year-old pregnant girl in its care after being raped have reached…

Legal representatives of the Eastern Health Board and the 13-year-old pregnant girl in its care after being raped have reached agreement on acting in her best interests. A decision on a course of action is thought to be imminent.

A psychiatrist and counsellor are to examine the girl to help determine which course of action is best for her, physically and psychologically.

It is understood the girl wants to have an abortion. Her parents have said they will do what she wants.

Although the girl is in the temporary care of the EHB, the health board's powers to act on her behalf are circumscribed. It is not acting in loco parentis and may not overrule the wishes of the girl's parents.


The EHB, the parents and the girl had separate legal representation at a hearing of the Children's Court in Dublin yesterday at which the temporary care order for the girl was reviewed.

After a 10-minute hearing before Judge Miriam Malone, the three legal parties started consultations on the options open to the girl.

The girl at the centre of the case, who is 12 weeks pregnant, is staying with foster parents.

Her parents had been living with their 11 other children in caravans by the side of the road without running water or electricity. However, yesterday evening, a family member moved the caravans into a nearby halting site. A spokeswoman for the EHB declined to comment on the case yesterday, citing a duty of confidentiality.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.