Lotto jackpot set to top €14m

Tonight’s Lotto jackpot is set to reach €14 million after it rolled over for the last 11 draws.

Tonight’s Lotto jackpot is set to reach €14 million after it rolled over for the last 11 draws.

The prize hasn't been won since Saturday, March 15th and tonight's prize follows a similar record in March when the jackpot hit €14,543,033.

On that occasion it was collected by a syndicate of two individuals from Co Kildare.

The National Lottery said that up to 2,500 people will buy a ticket every minute in the run-up to tonight's draw at 8pm. The peak time is expected to be between 5pm when people finish work and 7.45pm when ticket sales stop.

More than 2,000 premises are licensed Lotto agents in the State.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times