Message of support from McCabe killers

Prisoners: The IRA prisoners jailed for killing Det Garda Jerry McCabe have expressed their "complete support" for Sinn Féin…

Prisoners: The IRA prisoners jailed for killing Det Garda Jerry McCabe have expressed their "complete support" for Sinn Féin leaders.

In a message read out to the ardfheis yesterday, the prisoners paid tribute to the leadership for its work in last year's negotiations. "We wish to express our complete support for the leadership of the republican movement, the peace strategy and the republican movement.

"We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who campaigned for the four remaining qualifying prisoners under the Good Friday agreement," it said.

The four - Kevin Walsh, Pearse McAuley, Jerry Sheehy and Michael O'Neill - are serving between 11 and 14 years for the manslaughter of Det Garda McCabe.


Calling for the men's release, Cork delegate Cionnaith Ó Suilleabháin said they had been used as "a political football" in recent months, particularly by Minister for Justice Michael McDowell.

"We are under no illusion that this is a difficult and emotional subject for many people, but they are qualifying prisoners and they should be released," he said.

Meanwhile, Christine McCauley, the wife of one of the Colombia Three, addressed the ardfheis, along with her daughter, Orla. Received by a standing ovation, Ms McCauley said she had believed that the family's "nightmare" was over after the three men - Martin McCauley, James Monaghan and Niall Connolly - had been acquitted of aiding the Farc guerrilla group, only for the judgment to be reversed.

"We have not heard from Martin since last June. It is very difficult. The conviction has to be overturned. It is wrong and disgusting," said Ms McCauley, who will mark the couple's 20th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. "Please God, we will celebrate soon."

The three men are believed to have escaped to Venezuela before the Colombian authorities imposed 17-year sentences on them last year, though their whereabouts have not been confirmed.

Meanwhile, the criminal records of ex-IRA prisoners and others jailed for involvement in republican violence should be cleared immediately, delegates demanded. The ardfheis was told that criminal records are keeping ex-prisoners out of jobs, limiting travel and preventing adoption.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times