Murphy comfortable after triple bypass

RTE presenter Mike Murphy is in a comfortable condition in hospital following a triple heart bypass operation on Wednesday.

RTE presenter Mike Murphy is in a comfortable condition in hospital following a triple heart bypass operation on Wednesday.

A spokeswoman for the Blackrock Clinic said Mr Murphy (60), host of the Winning Streak lottery game show, was admitted several days ago. She said he had undergone a routine operation and was now doing fine. His family were with him during his stay in hospital.

Speaking on RTE Radio's Liveline programme, his brother, Mr John Murphy, confirmed that Mike had undergone heart surgery but denied reports that the popular presenter had suffered a heart attack. Mike was expected to come out of intensive care today, he said, and to be out of hospital in just over a week.

Mr Murphy grew to fame hosting a variety of television and radio shows, notably Murphy's Micro Quiz-M, Murphy's Australia, his current Winning Streak programme, and Radio 1's Arts Show, from which he retired last year to pursue his many business interests.


He runs several property and media businesses, including the production company Emdee Productions.