Nursing home concerns raised

Fourteen residents of the Leas Cross nursing home in north Dublin died in the first three months of the year, the most recent…

Fourteen residents of the Leas Cross nursing home in north Dublin died in the first three months of the year, the most recent inspection report of the facility stated.

The report of the most recent inspection of the home, carried out by the Health Service Executive in early April, also revealed that there were four complaints made by residents investigated by authorities over the previous year.

The report stated that these related "specifically to care issues".

In their report the inspectors also raised a number of concerns about the home.


The report noted that there was only one GP providing medical services for the 111 residents in the nursing home.

"We have requested the proprietor to engage with the GP concerned to ascertain if this level of input meets current residents' needs," the report states.

The inspectors maintained that based on the records which they had seen, "a complete review of all records needs to be undertaken immediately".

The inspectors said that this had been outlined to the director of nursing at the home.

The report also maintained that there was a "significant deficit" in relation to communications/continuity of care.

"The current director of nursing highlighted this gap and has taken steps to improve communications by the formation of nursing teams with team leaders, the holding of weekly staff meetings and in-house weekly training sessions for care assistants given by staff nurses.

"We recommend involving medical/psychiatric service in team meetings for complex cases," the report stated.

The inspectors also recommended the maintenance of accurate recording of care issues such as fluid balance, wounds/pressure sore prevention and treatment and nutritional status .

The inspectors also urged the development of care policies in the area of pressure sore prevention, continence promotion and optimal nutritional and fluid intake.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the former Washington Correspondent of The Irish Times. He was previously industry correspondent