Christmas bonus to be paid next week, Burton says

Tanaiste signs order restoring payment to 75 per cent of pre-abolition rate

The Christmas bonus will be distributed to recipients next week, Tanaiste Joan Burton has said.

Ms Burton signed an order on Monday allowing for pensioners, people with disabilities, carers and lone parents to receive a bonus of 75 per cent this year. About 1.2 million people are to benefit from the payments.

The Tánaiste said this was one of the cruellest cuts made by the previous Government. The bonus was cut completely in 2009 and restored to 25 per cent last year.

She said: “The people of this country deserve immense credit for ensuring that social solidarity remained intact throughout the crisis, when it fractured in other countries.


“ That solidarity is based on a simple concept – that age-old Irish tradition of looking out for someone less fortunate than yourself.

“The bonus is not just a welcome assistance to retired people at a financially stressful time of year. It also helps a range of other vulnerable people – including lone parents, long-term jobseekers, carers and people with disabilities.

“And importantly, the bonus is spent within the local economy. So it provides a boost not only for the individuals and families who receive it, but also for local businesses and the community.”

Those on the State pension, widows and widower’s pensions, guardians payment, invalidity pension, blind pension, cares allowance, disability allowance and long term Jobseekers allowance will receive payment.

The Christmas bonus is also being paid to certain participants of Community Employment, Back to Education, Rural Social Scheme, Gateway, Tus and the Back to Work Family Dividend.

A pensioner couple will receive €328.50 next week, while a single person on disability allowance will get a bonus of €197.70.

Ms Burton said she was delighted to be able to restore this important payment to those who need it most. It will cost the Exchequer €200 million.