Fennelly report: Kenny backs AG as SF table no confidence motion

Taoiseach restates support for Máire Whelan before Ministers at weekly Cabinet meeting

Taoiseach Enda Kenny expressed confidence in Attorney General Máire Whelan on Wednesday at the first Cabinet meeting after the summer break, following criticism of her in the interim report of the Fennelly commission.

Mr Kenny restated his support for Ms Whelan in front of other Ministers at their weekly meeting, following a public expression of confidence earlier this week.

Sinn Féin is to table a motion of no confidence in Ms Whelan and Mr Kenny following publication of the report into events surrounding the resignation of former Garda commissioner Martin Callinan.

Fianna Fáil is to table a motion of no confidence in Mr Kenny only, because it says, strictly speaking, Ms Whelan is not a TD and is not accountable to the Dáil.


Fianna Fáil’s motion will be taken before the Sinn Féin motion after the Dáil resumes on Tuesday, September 22nd.


Separately, Fianna Fáil has written to Mr Kenny asking whether he “intends to publish or make available to the Houses of the Oireachtas” the transcripts of his interviews with

Mr Justice Nial Fennelly


The party's justice spokesman, Niall Collins, said he was "requesting that you make the transcripts available so that there can be a fulsome debate on the report".

A Government spokesman said publication of the transcripts of any interview was a matter for the Fennelly commission itself but it is understood this is unlikely to happen. A Dáil recall is also unlikely.

Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald said that, while she regretted tabling the motion of no confidence in Ms Whelan, the Attorney General had failed in her duties.