Awesome! From morose to jocose at the turn of a quiff

JUST UNDER two weeks to go – and some of us are already losing the will to live.

JUST UNDER two weeks to go – and some of us are already losing the will to live.

The positive motivation thing is becoming unbearable. The militant empathising is suffocating.

Did you ever realise there were so many smiling ways not to express an opinion? We have been drowning in the rush to be faster than the speed of sweetness and light.

Imagine what it must be like for your average hardworking political correspondent. He or she must be very serious about this process, parsing and analysing the touchy-feely torrent washing relentlessly over them. It’s not easy.


So we are happy for RTÉ’s David Davin-Power, who was probably feeling a little down in the dumps earlier this week having just done another studio talk-in about the candidates. He looked a little morose as he wandered the corridors of Montrose.

Suddenly, two bequiffed and lamé-suited heroes appeared before him, for it was the twin tonics known as Jedward. As you can see in the picture which found its way to this parish, he immediately cheered up. Because that is what Jedward do.

Like the boys’ famous upswept style, DDP’s abundantly wavy head of hair has often been the subject of comment. He thinks he could carry off a Jedward quiff very well. And it’s also one in the eye for his colleague, Dr David McCullagh, with his treasured photos of himself and that old rocker Bruce Springsteen.

OMG! Go DDP! Awesome!