Oireachtas TV polls well with viewers

OIREACHTAS TV is to be promoted to a higher channel position on UPC’s digital television service after the company said the channel…

OIREACHTAS TV is to be promoted to a higher channel position on UPC’s digital television service after the company said the channel had made a “strong start” with 150,000 homes tuning in.

Around 20,000 homes watch the channel daily, according to UPC, which has broadcast footage of the Dáil, the Seanad and certain Oireachtas committees on a pilot basis since November last year.

UPC is to move Oireachtas TV in the coming weeks from channel 801 to a position in the 200 channel range.

“UPC considers it an important public service that parliamentary proceedings are accessible to citizens,” the company told Oireachtas officials in a briefing.

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery

Laura Slattery is an Irish Times journalist writing about media, advertising and other business topics