'Promiscuous' notes cause anger and envy in Middle Ireland

MARY FROM Clontarf is on the Liveline. Mary, you’re very upset

MARY FROM Clontarf is on the Liveline. Mary, you’re very upset. Why? – Joe, in regards of these promiscuous notes from the Anglo Irish Bank – it’s not right. I’m against that sort of thing.

But why Mary? Why? – My husband is on disability, Joe. We can’t afford to be sending each other promiscuous notes with his bad back. So why should the Polka say we have to pay now for what those dirty bankers got up to? It was nothing to do with me. All my neighbours are up in arms too. I’m with Joe Higgins on this one. It’s disgusting.

– But Mary, we’ve promised to pay for the notes. Enda Kenny says his hands are tied unless they agree in Europe to tear up some of the notes. Michael Noonan is on the case as we speak. Brendan Howlin is squeezing Joan Burton and James Reilly, morning, noon and night because of them.

– Well, that’s more of it, Joe. I couldn’t care less what the politicians get up to in their spare time. It’s all right for them. They get their dirty laundry washed for nothing. Did you know that, Joe? – Yeh, yeh, yeh.


– I’ll tell you one thing, Joe. I’m not paying billions of euro for those promiscuous notes. And you can tell that to those fellas from the Polka. I’m getting a week out of a chicken these days.

– Coq au vin, Mary? – Ah no, Joe. I told you. He’s on disability . . .