RDS Lecture

THE BODY’S immune system may emerge as one of the most effective weapons we have in the fight against cancer

THE BODY’S immune system may emerge as one of the most effective weapons we have in the fight against cancer. Research- ers are discovering that the immune system can be used to attack and destroy cancer cells.

Cancer Treatment – Does the Immune System Have All the Answers?is the title of a talk explaining these new discoveries to be given by Prof Jim Johnston, who is deputy director of the centre for infection and immunity at Queen's University Belfast. He is this year's recipient of the Irish Society for Immunology medal. The RDS and The Irish Timesorganise the talk in association with the ISI.

The lecture is aimed at a general audience and takes place on May 20th at 7pm in the Concert Hall, RDS Ballsbridge in Dublin. Contact 01-2407289 or science@rds.ie.

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom

Dick Ahlstrom, a contributor to The Irish Times, is the newspaper's former Science Editor.