‘Alarming increase’ in racist incidents, says immigrant body

An 85% rise reported with most cases in local community or workplace

An 85 per cent increase in racist incidents this year has been reported by the Immigrant Council of Ireland.

The council said 142 incidents had been reported since January, compared to 77 during the same period last year. Reports peaked over the summer months, with 31 incidents in July alone.

Most cases occurred in a person’s local community or workplace, while harassment, both verbal and written, accounted for most instances of racism.

ICI chief executive Denise Charlton said the figures were “alarming and once again show racism is a reality which people and families are facing in their communities”.


She added: “While the findings are preliminary and we will produce more details in the new year, they are nevertheless stark. People have been made victims in their own homes, at work, on the street and increasingly online.”

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter