Trio sentenced to four years for ATM fraud

Three people have been sentenced to four years in prison for hacking ATM machines.

Three people have been sentenced to four years in prison for hacking ATM machines.

Romanians nationals: Sorin Condrache, Daniela Ciocan and Rasvan Schiopu all pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to theft at Wicklow Circuit Court today.

They were arrested after being identified on CCTV last year apparently tampering with an ATM in Deansgrange, Dublin on three consecutive days in September.

Condrache and Schiopu had also been seen acting suspiciously at an ATM in Bray, Co Wicklow the previous July.


The pair's car was stopped by gardai at the time and home made loyalty cards found.

In late September the National Bureau of Fraud Investigation obtained a search warrant for the trio's home in Dargle Road, Bray and found a false ATM cover, digital cameras, a list of Personal Identification Numbers, €20,000 cash and more false loyalty cards.

Judge Pat McCartan suspended the last year of their year sentence on condition they leave Ireland within seven days of their release.