Waterford carpet factory damaged in fire

A carpet factory in Waterford was extensively smoke damaged in a fire today.

A carpet factory in Waterford was extensively smoke damaged in a fire today.

Three units of the fire brigade worked to put out the blaze at the Waterford Carpets factory in Waterford industrial estate.

A spokesman for the Waterford City Fire Service told ireland.comthat they received a call at 7.08 a.m. saying that a fire had been discovered.

The three units were on the scene at 7.23 a.m. and were faced with a large roof fire. "The roof was alight most of the way across," he said.


The firemen used a hydraulic platform to get above the roof and tackle the blaze from there.

Two teams also went into the factory, where they found bales of carpet fibre ablaze.

There were very few people in the factory at the time and there were no injuries.

The blaze was out by about 8.30 a.m., but there was a lot of smoke- damage.

The factory was ventilated after that and is seeking to get back to normal business as soon as possible.

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins

Pádraig Collins a contributor to The Irish Times based in Sydney