World Cup hero to lead St Patrick's parade in Dublin

DUBLIN’S ST Patrick’s Day parade should be in a safe pair of hands this year with Ireland’s World Cup hero Packie Bonner taking…

DUBLIN’S ST Patrick’s Day parade should be in a safe pair of hands this year with Ireland’s World Cup hero Packie Bonner taking the lead as grand marshal.

The legendary soccer goalkeeper, best known for his save against Romania which helped put Ireland into the quarter-finals of the 1990 World Cup, will head the parade. This year organisers expect it to attract more than 650,000 visitors.

His selection marks the fourth year in a row in which figures associated with sport have headed the parade. Last year, four GAA stars jointly preformed the role to mark the organisation’s 125th anniversary; the previous year it was Olympic and world champion athlete Eamonn Coghlan; while in 2007 veteran commentator Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh led the floats and marching bands.

Bonner yesterday said he was honoured to join such illustrious company. “I hope I can do the role justice like some of the greats who have gone before me. It has always been a great day and a great occasion for Ireland and this year I am sure it will be no different.”


The theme of this year’s parade is “The Extraordinary World”, which performers taking part will be asked to interpret. Bonner will lead participants along the 3km (1.8 mile) route starting at Parnell Square at noon on March 17th.

The parade is part of a week of events from March 12th involving street theatre,Irish music, comedy, visual arts, dance, a treasure hunt and fireworks.

Another sporting figure, Ireland rugby international Keith Earls, will also lead the St Patrick’s Day parade in Limerick.

Plans for the city’s festival were announced last night at an event in Daghdha Space, St John’s Church, at which fire eaters, musicians and dancers provided entertainment.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times