Mandela ‘responding to treatment’

South African president says 94-year-old is making progress after a difficult few days

Former South African president Nelson Mandela waves to the crowd at Soccer City stadium during the closing ceremony for the 2010 World Cup in Johannesburg. Photograph: Reuters

Former South African president Nelson Mandela is “responding better to treatment” for a lung infection, president Jacob Zuma said today.

Mr Zuma told parliament that he was happy with the progress being made by the 94-year-old anti-apartheid leader after a “difficult few days”.

Mr Mandela was admitted in the early hours of Saturday with a recurring lung infection.

The hospital stay is his fourth since December, and there is a growing realisation among South Africa’s 53 million people that they will one day have to say goodbye to the father of the “Rainbow Nation” that Mr Mandela tried to forge from the ashes of apartheid.

