Abortion and politics

A chara, – Fianna Fáil TD Michael McGrath expressed his dismay over the actions of 31 party TDs asking for amendments to, or opposing, abortion legislation while it was being debated in the Dáil.

While 31 Fianna Fáil TDs out of a total of the 44 currently in parliament may be a majority of that party, it does not mean these TDs are “opposed to the will of the people” or “out of step with the public”, as Mr McGrath puts it.

Over 700,000 people opposed repeal of the Eight Amendment last May, roughly a third of the electorate that went to the polls. Some 700,000 people will be looking for ongoing political representation, and pro-life issues are a determining factor for many of them. Perhaps those who supported repeal think 700,000 and their families are simply going to disappear from the political landscape, pack their bags and leave these shores?

The road to repeal the 36th Amendment has just started, even if it is for the long haul.


Any politician with real pro-life credentials – and not just claiming so in order to get elected, like last time round – should consider linking up with like-minded people for a whole new venture in Irish politics.

Such a party would represent the only really meaningful opposition across a range of issues in the current political climate. – Is mise,



Co Cork.