Asylum system

Sir, – On a broad front, the current, unsustainable, unmanageable migration crisis; on a domestic front, your story of the abuse of our asylum system by Pakistani and Bangladeshi nationals ("State moves over Pakistani and Bangladeshi asylum seekers", November 9th) should focus minds on the utter insanity that the asylum system represents.

It is generally forgotten that the Geneva Convention on which it rests was intended as a short-term fix for the post-second World War refugee situation in Europe and had no broader scope.The idiocy of the New York protocol of 1967 extended it to an unworkable, limitless reach. Both those documents contain a withdrawal clause, operable on 12 months’ notice. Rationality, which does not operate in this area, would have seen European countries use that withdrawal clause long ago. – Yours, etc,


Immigration Control



PO Box 6469,

Dublin 2.