Boarding passes – a thirst for data

Sir, – Frank Walsh (Letters, April 29th) is right to be suspicious about airport shops requesting his boarding pass for simple purchases.

As a pass is required to gain access to the shopping area in the first place, this is not about security but gathering information for the airport authority.

To prove the point, my purchases are never refused when I say, “My partner has my pass”. If more passengers did the same maybe this information harvesting would cease? – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Frank Walsh asks why it is necessary to show a boarding card to buy water at Dublin Airport. It is not necessary. There is no obligation to show a retailer the boarding card. If he is travelling to a destination outside the EU, they will use the data to claim back any VAT paid. The VAT saving is not deducted from his purchase but added to the profit margin of the retailer.

If he is travelling outside the EU and wishes to purchase duty-free goods, it is necessary to prove his destination of course, but for miscellaneous purchases of snacks, drinks or gifts, there is no obligation to show a card.

When asked, simply say no. – Yours, etc,

