Booster vaccine

Sir, – I was somewhat bemused by the vivid photos of people queuing in the rain at UCD for a vaccine booster given that I was able to get my booster in Booterstown pharmacy on Friday with no fuss and no queue. This pharmacy is less than a 10-minute walk from UCD. Perhaps the real challenge for HSE is not capacity but communications. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.


Sir, – I am 91 years old and until last Tuesday, I had no call for my booster. I had my second dose of Pfizer in early February and neither my GP nor local pharmacy were any help, both assuring me that I would be sent for eventually.

On Wednesday morning, I rose at dawn and rang the HSE at 8am, spoke to a very nice young man, and – surprise, surprise – was sent an appointment for the very next day. Apparently my contact details were not on the computer!

Heaven helps those who help themselves. – Yours, etc,



Co Sligo.

Sir, – Amid the chaotic scramble for booster vaccines, can I suggest that we prioritise those who have recently been addressed as “dear” by a stranger, ever been referred to as “sprightly” or had their age denominated in “years young”. I appreciate that, as strategies go, vaccinating the patronised is a bit unscientific but, then again, the same could be said about some of the things the Government is doing, or indeed not doing. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.