Bus routes and cyclists

Sir, – The article "Not in my front yard: How to make the new bus plan work" (Jack Power, Analysis, June 16th) discusses the challenges of using private front gardens to build high-quality bus routes throughout the country.

It is a shame that even after all these challenges are overcome, buses will still be stuck behind bicycles on some parts of the route.

On the Rathmines Road in Dublin, for example, more cyclists than cars use the road at rush hour. Yet the BusConnects proposal has no provision at all for cycling infrastructure on that road, instead offering an inconvenient detour through winding residential streets. No commuter cyclist is going to use a detour like this, so buses going through Rathmines are still going to be as congested as ever.

What is the point of BusConnects if buses are still being forced to share the lane with a large number of other vehicles? – Yours, etc,



Clonskeagh, Dublin 14.

Sir, – Why is it that so many of our public transport plans have an outlandish, unworkable, baroque quality to them? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.