Climate action: Ireland too small to make a difference

A chara, – Catherine Devitt (Letters, July 27th) criticises the Government for accepting the recently allocated 2030 carbon-emissions targets, rather than insisting on more draconian limits.

Why? Even the most fanatical climate-change alarmist would have to admit that, in global terms, a country the size of Ireland could drastically increase its emissions without having any impact whatsoever.

It would be madness for a small nation to voluntarily increase the strain on its already ramshackle economy, simply to set an example for the world’s leading industrial powers.

In any event, the fact is that our climate models are a long way from accurately projecting the results of global warming on future climate, or indeed from proving that a curtailment of carbon emissions will yield tangible benefits.


In this respect, climate science is still some distance behind what has become climate ideology. As long as this is the case, environmentalists in all nations will meet great resistance in their efforts to impose strict controls over our day-to-day lives.

– Is mise,


Alternative Energies and

Atomic Energy Commission,

