Climate emergency, what emergency?

Sir, – It’s official, our Dáil has declared a climate and biodiversity emergency.

Unfortunately the alarm bells don’t seem to be working in the office of Minister for Climate Action Richard Bruton. This is very worrying, especially for those most at risk, our children and young people.

It’s not clear whether this failure on the Minister’s part is due to a lack of will or a lack of imagination.

If it is the latter then here are some suggestions that would yield quick results at minimum cost.


1. Reduce speed limits as follows, motorways 100km, national roads 80km secondary roads 60km.

2. Close coal-burning Moneypoint and the peat burning stations at Edenderry and Lough Ree on a three-month on, three month-off basis. This would provide a transition towards complete closure. It would also facilitate retraining programmes and the establishment of alternative employment for displaced workers.

3. Follow the lead of other cities and create a solar farm in the Phoenix Park. This would provide a visual reminder to citizens that this is an emergency and we are taking it seriously. A solar energy programme for schools should form part of this initiative. – Yours, etc,


Monkstown, Co Dublin.