Croagh Patrick

Sir, – Regarding the Croagh Patrick pilgrimage on Sunday, it was correct to cancel but not necessarily right. I can understand the officials who made the decision to cancel but people by the thousands still went up anyway. In future they should warn of the dangers and let those who want to go up, go up. A tough decision but let the pilgrims and seekers decide themselves. Climbing the reek is not for the meek. It’s for those who seek God in bare feet. – Yours, etc,



Co Mayo.


Sir, – It is simply quite unbelievable that people can be so irresponsible as to ignore the weather warnings and advice given with regard to the annual pilgrimage at Croagh Patrick. How can parents with young children think they know enough to ignore all the warnings? My sympathy goes out to all the wonderful mountain rescue teams and volunteers who assisted those who got into difficulties.– Yours, etc,


Still organ,

Co Dublin.