Dublin’s apartment crisis

Sir, – Paul Kearns in his opinion piece "Poor design at root of Dublin's apartment crisis" (September 7th) has unfortunately misquoted the City Development Plan to support his argument that there is a policy to protect views of the coastline and parks, and by doing so restrict much-needed apartment building. This is not the case. The quote that "Developments should take account of views towards the bay and Dublin mountains" refers specifically to the Poolbeg West SDZ Planning Scheme. This scheme is for a new city neighbourhood for up to 3,500 apartments, in a carefully designed context of new streets, open spaces and shops, etc, with a number of taller buildings up to 20 storeys, as well as views of both the bay and the Dublin Mountains. – Yours, etc,


Dublin City Planning Officer,

Dublin City Council,


Civic Offices, Dublin 8.