Fine Gael, Fidesz and the EPP

A chara, – Fine Gael says it is concerned at the Central European University being forced out of Hungary as a result of the actions of their European People’s Party (EPP) ally, Viktor Orbán and his Fidesz party (News, December 4th).

Mr Orbán’s increasing disregard for democratic values and freedom of expression is nothing new.

Fine Gael says it wants to protect its values.

At the EPP Congress last month, two candidates sought to be that group’s candidate for the next European Commission president. They offered very different propositions for the future of the centre right in Europe. One candidate, Manfred Weber, supported seeking a compromise with Viktor Orbán and also favours reaching an accommodation with the right-wing Lega Nord in Italy and others on the Eurosceptic right. The other candidate, Alexander Stubb, made clear he believed that Fidesz did not reflect EPP values and should be expelled from the group.


Fine Gael voted for Mr Weber. Actions speak louder than words. – Is mise,


Fianna Fáil,


Co Wexford.