Keep ringing that bicycle bell

Sir, – I applaud the opening of the Waterford Greenway. It is a very welcome addition to the many walking and cycling amenities available throughout the country. They provide splendid opportunities for an enjoyable escape from the roadway and provide access to pleasant scenery and the chance to enjoy exercise as walkers or cyclists.

I was delighted to read Jennifer O'Connell's advice in her article on the Waterford Greenway ("Waterford's 46km greenway opens for cyclists and walkers", March 25th) that among the best ways to enjoy the greenway is to "Cycle on the left, pass on the right, and use your bell". Paths on the greenways and other off-road trails are often marked with separate lanes for walkers and cyclists. However, even when this division is being observed, cyclists should always signal their approach particularly when cycling from behind the walker. May I also remind all cyclists that, as the Road Safety Authority advises, "It's the law to have a bell on your bike at all times and to have working lights." – Yours, etc,


Dublin 16.