NI – time for independence?

Sir, – I wish to broadly support John Doyle's analysis that the UK subvention to the North is irrelevant to the debate on Irish unity (Opinion & Analysis, June 9th).

There are many imponderable factors and a range of differing economic opinions on the subvention.

If he is right, it also strengthens the case for the people of Northern Ireland to have a third option, ie some form of supported independence status, in addition to the current status quo and a united Ireland.

The Belfast Telegraph-Kantar opinion poll on May 2nd shows that the sense of NI identity is now on a level with the British identity at 33 per cent, with the sense of Irish identity trailing at 28 per cent.


Moreover, if a united Ireland is on the cards, it would be better if both parts of the island sit down to negotiate as equal partners. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.