Nuclear energy and climate crisis

Sir, – In response to MEP Grace O'Sullivan's letter (April 21st), it added nothing to the energy debate; in fact this can hardly be called a debate, as few publicly question her premise that renewables can provide all the energy we need.

However, if reducing carbon emissions, rather than increasing renewables, is the priority, as four recent, science-based letters in The Irish Times deem to be essential, then the policy must include carbon-capture and storage (CCS) and a percentage of nuclear power. By 2030, there will be a choice of several small modular reactors (SMR) of a suitable size for Ireland, offering high safety, lower costs and extremely low levels of waste.

The only way we will reach our emissions reduction target is to cut out the fossil-fuel baseload, natural gas; the only low-carbon option to replace it, at present, is nuclear energy.

Yes, there have been disasters; but all the reasons put forward to oppose nuclear power amount to over-hyped fears that in no way stack up to the real dangers facing humanity and the world environment from climate change. – Yours, etc,





Co Tipperary.