Online anonymity

Sir, – Matt Shanahan TD's letter (October 22nd) is sadly indicative of the discourse surrounding the death of Sir David Amess MP.

The individual charged is a Somali Muslim immigrant who had become radicalised. A fact that seems totally absent from any political commentary on the event.

This incident has, bizarrely, led to calls for limiting online anonymity. There are activists who represent women in Afghanistan, Uighurs in China, pro-democracy activists in Belarus and oppressed minorities in many other places who are trying to get the message out about what is going on. The consequences of their identity being discovered are unimaginable and even more so for their families back home.

If putting up with online abuse from a minority here at home is the price we pay to protect those highlighting oppression then it is a price we should be willing to pay. – Yours, etc,




Co Clare.