Out of touch at the banking inquiry

Sir, – Two items in recent days provide ample evidence of the disconnect between our political class and those they claim to represent. Charlie McCreevy’s evidence at the banking inquiry (as brilliantly summarised by Miriam Lord) and the official response to Fintan O’Toole’s article on inequality in our recovery.

Both demonstrate that the key performance indicators used by our leaders are not any which reflect the experience of ordinary citizens but reflect more their acquiescence to the requirements of an unelected elite. – Yours, etc,





Sir, – Miriam Lord's article on the banking inquiry ("Cowen throws all around him under the bus", July 3rd) refers to Brian Cowen as "Biffo". I'd appreciate it if you could explain why it is acceptable to use the term biffo, you know what it means, and must accept it is a derogatory term. Therefore, why use it?

I understand it has been widely used throughout the media, but I always considered The Irish Times more responsible than most. It's not a nickname, and this is no excuse to hide behind.

Is it form of passive aggression towards Cowen? For everything he’s to blame for maybe, I don’t know. You are giving this term more attention and promoting it as socially acceptable. Therefore if you’re from Offaly, you’re a biffo, or an ignorant f***er.

Sure what would I know, I’m a biffo. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – Listening to Charlie McCreevy and Brian Cowen give evidence to the Oireachtas banking inquiry reminds me of another era.

On the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty after the abdication of Napoleon it was said that, “They had learned nothing and forgotten nothing”.

I guess if you did nothing wrong then you have nothing to learn. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.