President seeks a second term

Sir, – Now that the President has announced he is prepared to serve a second term , since he has filled the position so admirably, there should be no election but if anybody wishes to contest the decision let them pay all the expenses incurred rather than land us, the public, with all the subsequent election costs. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.


Sir, – President Higgins will be about 85 years of age if and when he completes a second term of office. He will be just about the right age to apply to be elected as Pope in Rome. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.

Sir, – A presidential election looks to be on the cards, if one is to read between the lines. There is a strong argument for such an election if only to give the incumbent, who has been a credit to the office over the last seven years, a rejuvenated democratic mandate. At the same time, there is an uncomfortable sense that we could end up having an election just for the sake of it, something that in my view would not be paying due deference to the principle of democracy.

I suggest that the difficulty lies with the length of the presidential term of seven years, which I think is too long. Five years would be a more appropriate term in a modern continuously evolving world. Accordingly, for an exceptional incumbent, an unopposed second term would not extend his or her presidency beyond a decade, which I submit would be a fairer outcome for the planning of prospective candidates, the entitlement of the voting public and for the democratic process itself. – Yours, etc,



Sir, – It would make for an interesting election if Mary Robinson nominated herself as a candidate for the presidency. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.