Solutions for Dublin commuters

Sir, – Unfortunately in your online report on the Dublin City Council meeting on Monday you mistakenly said that I was a member of Fianna Fáil. For the record, I have been a Labour councillor on Dublin City Council since 1977 and hope to continue to do so into the future!

Regarding College Green, traffic problems will continue to impact on the city centre until we provide radial solutions for commuters. When discussing this on Monday, in response to my motion, I pointed out that our first responsibility is to provide a public transport system that allows the public to go from one location to the other without having to traverse the city centre. For many commuters there is simply no other option.

When the proposal to pedestrianise College Green was put to the council, management did not inform councillors about the bottleneck that the extended Luas would cause for the movement of public transport.

Due to a lack of political leadership on the council, hand wringing about our problems has become endemic at our city council meetings over the past few years.


So rather than just complain and in an effort to find solutions, for the record, I proposed that we invite the National Transport Authority and Dublin Bus to our next meeting to find out their plans for the movement of east/west and north/south buses which is so important for the functioning of a modern city. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 6.