Summer schools – more heat than light?

Sir, – Marie O'Reilly (July 28th) echoes my own thinking regarding the plethora of summer schools that take place around the country during the months of July and August when she refers to them as "waffle academies".

Despite the fact that the MacGill Summer School’s stated theme for this year was the rather clichéd “Ireland at the Crossroads”, do we really need to hear the Taoiseach and Tánaiste expound on their “achievements” and deliver what are, effectively, pre-election lectures or to absorb former minister and attorney general Michael McDowell’s reflections on governmental failures of the recent past? Could yet another debate on the Irish Water saga not have been had elsewhere?

All of this doesn’t seem to me to be entirely in keeping with the ethos of the summer school. The MacGill Summer School’s declared theme of “public policy” is rather general and while I can accept that this term of reference will, of necessity, include certain political elements, it seems that this remit is then hijacked somewhat to facilitate a platform for ego-stroking for the “usual suspects” rather than adding to national debate. Furthermore, I can’t help but feel that the man whose memory the school is dedicated to, a manual labourer, poet and writer on social conditions, would be uncomfortable with this set-up.

A good dollop of wholesome erudition could easily have been introduced in order to balance proceedings a little while still fulfilling the “Ireland at the Crossroads” remit. Indeed “Ireland down the usual cul-de-sac” might be more fitting a title as it seems these schools are happy to play host to the same stale, half-baked notions which we get too much of on other forums! – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – Marie O’Reilly may well regard summer schools as “waffle academies”, but isn’t the Irish summer grim enough already without denying us the innocent pleasure of our summer schools? Moreover, as most Belgians will attest, waffles can be most sustaining – food for the body, as our summer schools are food for the mind. – Yours, etc,


(Academic Director,

Parnell Summer School),


Dublin 18.