Surrogacy and the law

Sir, – Patrick G. Burke's advocacy (March 22nd) of a legal prohibition of surrogacy in Ireland seems to confuse the altruistic with the commercial, notwithstanding his fleeting reference to altruistic surrogacy. There is clearly a strong case to be made against an "industry" that "treats babies like commodities and women like incubators". The same cannot be said for altruistic surrogacy – otherwise it would not be altruistic.

Surrogacy cannot be simply legislated out of existence.

The Department of Health has indicated that surrogacy will be regulated – this will include a ban on commercial surrogacy.

A total ban on surrogacy would serve only to exacerbate the difficulties encountered by many parents whose children have been born, and will be born, through surrogacy arrangements. Legislation is long overdue. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.