The new normal

Sir, – Back in March, all the talk was of the new normal and what that might be.

Now that we’ve reached September, we can see for ourselves. An unemployment rate of 16 per cent, with thousands of small businesses facing extinction as we go into the winter. Elderly people in care homes still isolated from family and friends after six months, with very little focus on how to improve their situation. Healthcare carried out over the phone.

Young people being masked and sent to school, then sent back home again for two weeks because someone there tested positive for coronavirus.

Families divided up by arbitrary rules as to who you are allowed take into your home.


Medical professionals warning of an imminent tsunami of mental health issues.

Daily updates about rising cases and threats of restrictions unless we remember to take individual responsibility.

Doctors forced out of their positions for voicing alternative opinions.

Normal, mundane behaviour criminalised.

And all of this with no idea what we are trying to achieve?

Flatten the curve? Zero Covid? Endless suppression?

Ireland’s new normal looks very much like a sinking ship to me. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.

Sir, – I think it’s the sense that we’re not actually making much headway that is dispiriting. But the fight against Covid-19 was always going to be a long haul.

I think we need to get behind those who are doing their level best to keep this awful pandemic at bay. Frustration is to be expected but a little more patience and forbearance will help us get through this. – Yours, etc,


New Ross,

Co Wexford.