The picture of health

Sir, – I was interested to read your recent series "A man in your 30s? What you need to know about your overall health" (Health, January 17th) and a "A woman in your 30s?" (Health, January 16th).

It told me that, as a woman, I’m most likely to be drinking sugary cocktails, suffering from anxiety caused by my quest to find a partner on Tinder, or, if I do have a partner, struggling with the simultaneous burdens of working, parenting and housework.

From reading the equivalent article directed at men, I was intrigued to learn that housework doesn’t form part of what they need to know about their overall health. Instead my male counterpart in his 30s should keep up his team sports and take care with his multiple sexual partners.

I guess with all the parenting and housework looked after, the man in his 30s has to fill his day somehow! – Yours, etc,



Dublin 18.