United Ireland and opinion polls

Sir, — Diarmaid Ferriter (“Superficiality cloaks desire for united Ireland”, Opinion & Analysis, April 1st) chooses the most negative interpretation of opinion surveys on Irish unity. Yet the fact remains that unity is the strong preference of the large majority in successive polls over many years right up to today.

It is hardly surprising that a lesser number say they would pay higher taxes linked to Irish unity, but at 54 per cent of Sinn Féin voters it is still a majority and a significant one, given that it is Sinn Féin voters who are worst hit by the rising cost of living and inadequate wage levels.

There is nothing shallow about that.

As for the flag and anthem these are important but far less important than the health service, education, employment and housing in a new united Ireland.


Opinion polls can only touch on such issues and that is why the Irish Government should establish the long overdue Citizens’ Assembly so that we can chart the way forward to a new All-Ireland constitutional, political, social and economic reality.

And, notwithstanding the cynicism of Diarmaid Ferriter and John A Murphy on the 1916 Proclamation, its principles of equality can be a helpful guide in that process. – Yours, etc,



Co Cavan.