Walking trails and property rights

Sir, – Some of my most memorable walks have taken place in Britain and France, in areas that feature extensive walking trails. For example, the coastal pathway around Devon and Cornwall stretches for almost 500km.

Notwithstanding the excellent Sheep’s Head Way network in west Cork, the Irish coastline is virtually devoid of designated walkways of any kind. The “keep out” lobby ensures that walking in rural Ireland is all about negativity and hostility, with walkers taking their chances on dangerous roads. Even the annual Croagh Patrick pilgrimage is under threat.

For Fáilte Ireland, it is a truth that dare not speak its name – walkers are not welcome in Ireland.

It is telling that while the Welsh government has proudly rolled out the 1,400km Welsh coastal path, Fáilte Ireland is promoting the Wild Atlantic Way, a 1,000km car drive. – Yours, etc,


